Have a look at the suggestions below, if you are experiencing issues with the interface button (knob).
The issue
After continuous use, there is a possibility that the interface button is getting worn out or damaged. This can be annoying and might even stop your extrusion process. Luckily this is a minor issue and can easily be fixed.
First to investigate the issue, the knob must be removed.
- Carefully pull off the knob from the control panel with your hand.
- Check if the knob spacer is present. This is a small black rubber plate in the middle inside of the knob, shown in with the red arrow (picture 1).
If this spacer has been misplaced, damaged or missing, it is best to get a new knob and spacer. You can order through contacting support.
In the meantime, the metal pin of the interface (picture 2) can still be used exactly the same way as the knob. It can be pushed to click or "select" items in the menu, and can be turned for scrolling.
Alternatively, a small folded piece of paper or rubber washer can also be used to fill up the space between the metal pin and the knob.