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How to find machine serial numbers for maintenance and support?

In this article, we help you locate the serial numbers of all the 3devo machines like SHR3D IT, GP20, Filament Maker, and AirID Polymer Dryer.

Easy access to serial numbers is crucial for the maintenance and support of 3devo machines. These unique identifiers streamline maintenance tracking, simplify technical support, validate warranties, ensure compatibility for replacement parts, and aid in asset management. Thus when serial numbers are at hand, owners can efficiently ask for help from support.

1. Filament maker (Composer and precision)

To locate the serial number of your machine, there are two convenient options. Firstly, check the back of the machine next to the power button, where you'll find a label displaying the serial number. Alternatively, you can find the serial number after starting the machine itself, under the 'About the machine' section in the internal settings.

Example serial number: FMV1C-0XXXXX

2. Filament Maker TWO

The serial number is located on the metal plaque on the back of the machine, next to the power button and cable. FM-TWO-serialnumber

Example serial number: FM2-X-XXXX

2. GP20 Plastic Shredder Hybrid (Granulator and shredder)

To locate the serial number of your GP20 machine, there are also two options. Firstly, check the back of the machine next to the power button, where you'll find a label displaying the serial number. This label typically contains vital information, including the model number and the voltage of the machine.
For the GP20, it's important to note that there are two serial numbers—one for the Granulate unit and another for the Shredder unit. Alternatively, you can find the serial number after starting the machine itself, under the 'About the machine' section in the internal settings. When seeking support or maintenance assistance, it's advisable to submit both serial numbers to ensure accurate and efficient service for your GP20 equipment.

Example serial number for the Shredder: GPV2S-0XXXXX

Example serial number for the Granulator: GPV1G-0XXXXX

3. AirID Polymer Dryer

To find the serial number of your AirID Polymer Dryer machine, you have two convenient options. Firstly, inspect the back of the machine, near the power button, where you will find a label showing the serial number. This label contains essential details such as the model number and the machine's voltage.

Example serial number: GDV2--0XXXXX


There is just one way to find the serial number of your SHR3D IT machine. Check the back of the machine, near the power button, where you will find a label showing the serial number.

Example serial number: GP15V3-0XXXXX