FM Essentials: The Hopper

This article describes the function, features, settings, and theory of the Filament Maker Hopper. These essentials are to help you understand how best to use the machine to your specifications.

The Filament Maker extrudes with a collection of features and components working together efficiently. It is up to the user to utilize these tools and ensure that the machine works well.


Table of Contents

Things to Watch out for
Machine Settings
Safety / Error Messages
Further Information


This the hopper, or the entrance where the material is fed into the machine for processing. The process is called feeding and it is very simple, however like every other part of the process, it has nuance.

The extrusion process relies on having not-yet-melted, solid material in the early section of the barrel. This pushes the melted material forward, helping with flow, pressure and ultimately, extrusion.

The most important thing to remember about the Hopper is that the output of the FM is directly affected by the input. 

In essence, what goes in, comes out!

You cannot have a consistent extrusion without stable, continuous feeding.


The Hopper Sensor gives off a safety warning if the material is running low inside the Hopper. This feature can be turned on and off in the machine Settings.

Things to watch out for

These are the most common helpful tips, and issues to watch out for.

Early Melting

As mentioned earlier, the material entering the Hopper and the early parts of the barrel must be solid. Some materials like TPU has a tendency to melt early in the barrel. This causes low flow, and in severe cases, might clog the Hopper. In such cases, it is essential to adjust Heater 4 (Heater Essentials), the one closest to the Hopper.


When working with regrinds or powders, cohesive structures may form between the material. There are different types of structures that the material can create. Here are the two most common: 

Feeding Issues

This is why we recommend using The Feeder when dealing with shredded, reground, or powdered materials.


Mixing additives can have their own issues as additives (especially metals) can have a different weight than the polymer, meaning that they will sink to the bottom of the Hopper and the ratio becomes inconsistent. Alternative techniques can include starve feeding, or having material that is pre-compounded.

Machine Settings:

Hopper Sensor ON/OFF

Hopper empty check ON/OFF

Safety / Error Messages:

Safety Warnings:

Hopper Safety Grid

As discussed, the Hopper Sensor is there for safety, as well as the Hopper grid. However, for some processes, especially setting up the Feeder, you may remove the safety grid.


Regardless of whether the grid is present or has already been removed, it is crucial that you do not reach into the hopper with hands or tools!

Even if there are accidents where a foreign object ends up in the Hopper and gets clogged in the screw, it is still better that the machine gets damaged rather than a person gets hurt. 

Error Messages:

"Hopper is empty for too long"

When the hopper sensor does not measure enough material for 10 minutes, it will turn off the Filament Maker. After the reboot, you can continue the process. Fill the hopper regularly to prevent the Filament Maker from running when empty, thus preventing the machine from turning off. It is possible to disable this automatic switch-off at:

“Main Menu > Settings > Hopper empty check > OFF”

Further Information

Foreign Object Stuck in the Hopper
This should never happen, but is good to be aware of the risks involved. 

Low output / Possible Feeding Issue
A common issue related to the Hopper, and how to troubleshoot it. 

Next essential: The Screw